as micro At this point I want to say “thank you” to the team from Tapbots who built Tweetbot (for Mac). Without the amazing feature to mute Tweets via Regular Expressions I wouldn’t have been able to open Twitter this year. Mute filters allow me to strip out all the things that put me into negative mood while discovering new links for WDRL. One could say this is personalised Social Media. … -
as micro Today I read an article on practicing gratitude. I read a couple of such articles already and I do irregular meditations on gratitude. Still I found this one incredibly on the point, especially as it’s focusing on people who are perfectionists. If the following sounds like you, read the full article: You might be thinking, “What exactly does this have to do with me?”. Well, chances are, if you’re …How to feel gratitude as perfectionist
as micro Morning Swim
Blog, but filtered for Micros
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