Prefetching CSS Resources

If you use images in CSS backgrounds or in ::before and ::after pesudo-elements the browser is not able to prefetch these resources with its prefetch algorithm. This is because this algorithm only searches for image resources in the HTML source.

To read the sources given in CSS the user agent would have to parse the CSS first which is a big performance bottleneck. This is the reason why browsers don't do it. Now as we know this, we might want to solve that.

It is relatively easy: As CSS is not parsed yet, a browser takes all sources that are written in the HTML source regardless if you prevent the image from being shown to the user by applying display: none; to the html class. In short, write the following in your HTML source:

<div class="preload">
    <img src="img/css-background-image.jpg" alt="">

And in your CSS you write:

.preload {
    display: none !important;

Now the prefetching algorithm of a modern browser is able to fetch the image source and as soon as the CSS is parsed the image is yet just available and can be displayed immediately. Otherwise during fetching the external source while executing the CSS this would shortly block the page and impact the performance of your site.

A few notices on that technique you should be aware of:

That's it, I hope it helps. Thanks for reading!