Do you really test your websites?

Last week I asked my Twitter followers to answer a short survey about their testing behavior regarding web projects. I'll now show you the results and do some conclusions from them.

Do you test your Responsive Design in all major Desktop browsers?

Chart: Only 72% of users test their sites on all desktop browsers

Conclusion: The reason I asked this question was that I had the feeling more than only a few people don't test their responsive webdesigns on all major desktop browsers. With 28% of users confirming that I strongly think there is the need to improve the testing workflow. Also, I can imagine that users don't sell the importance of testing the design to the client which is even worse.

Do you test your Responsive Design on real mobile devices?

This question is the base for my survey and what I wanted to see as an outcome of the survey is how people define 'I tested my code on mobile devices'. This being said I expected a even less people testing on real devices.

Chart: 91% test on real devices

Conclusion: 91% doing real device testing is cool but I believe this number is due to the fact my followers are aware of the need to test on mobile. I don't think this number is very representative but it is to hope the real number is not too far away.

The tricky one: On which real devices do you test on?

On purpose I set this response as textarea so everyone can only enter on which devices he tests and to make sure he can also add less known devices. For me it's harder to do an conclusion but I took the time and here's my conclusion:

Conclusion: Majority of survey responders test on three or four devices which is already a great thing. No wonder, iPhone and iPad are on top of the list, followed by Androids (mostly Nexus or Samsung Galaxy) while Blackberrys or Windows Phones only have 5-10% users. Abstracted by the models most provided I can say only very few test on older devices (not speaking of iPhone4 being an older one) which definitely means there's place for improvement.

Do you have the devices all at work? Would you want to test on more but simply don't have them?

Chart: most users would want to test on more devices

This question exactly approved what I already thought. Most people only test on devices they have at home/work. While this is totally understandable it also means that for example the idea of Open Device Labs and sharing test devices is not very wide spread. Please help spread the word and tell your co-workers. Open Device Labs are a great way to test on devices you don't have at home.

Conclusion: Open Device Labs would solve what users said in the survey: "Do you want to test on more devices?" (82% said yes).

Thanks for listening. Full results here.